Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Trump's huge trade victory,The case against Kavanaugh is falling to pieces, Grievance-organized mobs

The Left is shifting its emphasis away from Kavanaugh committing sexual malfeasance and now is emphasizing temperament and honesty and drinking.

A judge who isn't angry at the site of a lynch mob coming after him does not deserve to be a judge! That would not be a man who loves justice! He should be angry at the Left for stirring up the mob against due process and the rule of law.

Andrew shows how the Left is expert in using language. That is why Andrew is putting out the Leftese dictionary. Today's feature was "I is for Intersectionality."

Andrew notices how incredibly cool President Trump is being on this Kavanaugh controversy. Trump has fantastic political instincts. He is bouncing the leftist media down the street as if they were basketballs.

At the deadline, Canada said, "Er, ah, we'd like to be part of this US and Mexico trade agreement, too!" The deal has China worried.

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