Wednesday, October 03, 2018

The chain of evidence, The stairs God has put in front of us to climb, How Leftists frame events

The New York Times, a former newspaper, has evidence that when he was five-years-old Brett Kavanaugh pulled a girl's pigtails.

Leftists paint events this way: There is the Left's version and there is the "haters" version. For example, "You have to believe women who say they have been raped." Andrew asked, "How many people are there in America who believe no women have ever been raped?" None! The point we are trying to understand in the kavanaugh case is "Did this man attempt to rape or molest this woman?"

In answer to a subscriber's letter in today's mailbag, Andrew says that he did a lot of terrible things when he was younger, but God put a stairway there for him to climb and become a better person. Is it too late for you and me? No! God knows where we have been and what we have done. If we walk up those stairs God has put in front of us, there will be more and more joy in our lives because we will be closer to God! It is never too late to begin! Just do the next right thing and take the next step up!

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