Friday, May 04, 2012


How do conservatives become the Republican establishment? By winning the majority of elections for positions large and small.
This writer at Big Government seems confident: "Yes, if Romney wins, expect the GOP Establishment to decide that it didn’t need us. And if it loses, expect it to blame us. Who cares? Let it revise history all it likes; its denial and smugness will only keep it from undertaking the kind of serious introspection that might save it.

The GOP Establishment is a zombie, a dead power structure walking. It will get a few punches in before it goes down – Exhibit A is Mitt, Exhibit B the pile of bodies that were the Not-Mitts – but go down it will."
I don't know. Introspection is a good thing, but I don't see much of it from this writer, either.
Read the whole thing here:

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