Sunday, February 26, 2012

Zero tolerance

Another thing that George Carlin decries in his book When will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? is the trend toward zero tolerance. I meant to link to an article in the Denver Post from one week ago in which after intense exercise in their physical education class one girl shared her asthma inhaler with another girl, and both were kicked out of school. Interestingly, the one who had a father standing up for her was later re-admitted, while the other, whose parents were not mentioned in the story, was not.

Because school officials and law enforcement officers failed to recognize the danger presented by the Columbine killers, Colorado has become one of the nation's leaders in zero tolerance. As one of the commentors on the Post article writes, "it is unfortunate that zero tolerance has come to mean zero common sense."

Read more about the inhaler incident here:

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