Monday, March 02, 2020

Does a candidate's religious faith matter to voters?

Rich Lowry reports in part in the New York Post,
...The nonreligious are Bernie’s base. A Pew survey in January found that Joe Biden’s most supportive religious group was black Protestants at 44 percent followed by white Catholics and white evangelicals at 37 percent each. Bernie’s best groups were agnostics (36 percent), atheists (30) and the unaffiliated (28).

In New Hampshire, Sanders lost to Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg among voters who attend religious services once a week or more and won among voters who never attend. Bernie didn’t have many bright spots in South Carolina, except beating Biden soundly among voters who never attend church, 36-24 percent.

...The Sanders phenomenon is another indication of the weakening of American exceptionalism. When the social scientist Seymour Martin Lipset wrote about American exceptionalism decades ago, he underlined religiosity and resistance to socialism. If he captures the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders will test how much either still matters or applies.
Read more here.

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