Thursday, August 01, 2019

The centrality of race to the Leftists

In Spectator, Dov Fischer writes,
...Among the conservative right, capitalists seek to profit, national defense advocates seek to protect, domestic protection advocates seek to defend. Black capitalists are as welcome as White, and Blacks who can master the marketplace are sought in industry. When thugs threaten, conservatives are as excited to see an approaching Black police officer as a White, and we honor Black military veterans as we do Whites for their service. We despise those who randomly criticize our First Responders because we honor all First Responders without regard to race. For us, Blue Lives Matter.

...In other words, race does not matter on the right, to conservatives, to libertarians. Achievements matter. Values. Actions. Ideas. Character. Profits. Skills. But never race. Liberals would not grasp the idea because race is so central to their every thought that they cannot imagine an alternative universe.
Read more here.

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