Thursday, August 01, 2019

Scott Adams gives us his take on last night's Democratic debate

YouTube continues to demonetize all of Scott's videos.

He begins talking about the July 31 Democratic debate at the 22:21-minute mark. Here are his comments:

Kamala Harris did not do well. Her biggest problem is lack of confidence. Her voice is weak.
She used an effective dirty trick to attack Biden for working with segregationists in his early Senate career. Booker also attacked Biden for only wanting well-educated immigrants. The combined attacks by Harris and Booker should result in Biden coming down in the polls. They have poison-pilled him.

Democrats focused on people and countries that can't vote in our elections (prisoners, children, illegal immigrants, Guatemala).

Yang has good public speaking skills. He wants to give everybody one thousand dollars per month.

Tulsi Gabbard had a good night, but not good enough to propel her into top ranks of candidates. She is a little too laid-back-Hawaiian.

The rest of the generic white guys are not going anywhere with Democratic voters.

Cory Booker had the best night. But the winner of the two nights was Elizabeth Warren.

Biden, as Obama's V.P., is the most submissive politician around and, if nominated, he would be running against the most dominant alpha male politician we have ever seen!

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