Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Goin for It

Via Classical Values


julie said...

I've seen part of this (I'm sure you can guess which part) on The Soup a while back, but I hadn't seen the whole context. Wow, that lady is nuts. I feel bad for the dog, though - it's obviously her fault he's that aggressive, but he will be the one punished for it.

Gayle said...

She certainly isn't wrapped very tight,is she? LOL!

People that nutsy shouldn't have pets. They can't control themselves, how in the world do they think they can control a dog? Sheesh!

Mrs. Who said...

No dog will bite me 'you know where' and live to do it again.

Holly said...

the sad part of this is that the dog is the one who will pay.

unless the dog isn't wrapped right, and it looked ok that way to me, there is NO reason for this behavior.

Self control is something both people AND dogs should exhibit.

Terri Wagner said...

Yea my sympathies are with the dog. She needs to call Cesar Milan.

Holly said...

uhhhhh, no not CM, she needs a behaviorist and probably a veterinary behaviorist.

CM is a glorified dog trainer and a poor one at that. If she's getting bitten now, it will be far more frequently if CM got involved.