Friday, November 01, 2019

The Evil Party vs. the Cowardly Party

In PJ Media, Roger L. Simon tells us that for years the Democrats in DC have been known as the evil party and the Republicans the stupid party. Simon thinks the Republicans in more recent years could be called the cowardly party. He ends with,
But more important is that the Democrats are clearly misusing impeachment in the worst way, turning it political and distorting the Constitution and the Founders' intentions to such a degree that, should they succeed, our Republic will not recover.

With a presidential election only a year away, it's obvious they don't have much confidence that their potential candidates will win. It's not difficult to see why. Nevertheless, Republican leadership must stand firm against this impeachment at every turn, not just for Trump, but for all of us, for our country. "The Evil Party" must be stopped, then reformed.
Read more here.

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