Sunday, March 10, 2019

Guess What? I Still Like Trump!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

It is now more than two years since President Trump took office . . . and, I still like him! I am still well aware that he is imperfect, but I still think he may well be the most perfect president for this time in America. For one thing, he is not a play nice just for the sake of making friends, kinda guy. He demands fair play from our friends, frenemies, and enemies. He treats our friends with respect when they truly are friends and he respects our enemies while verifying if they are truly respecting us. I don’t know how much he actually trusts, but he sure seems on top of the verify.

I like that he is willing to try to work with the Democrats, but not at the expense of allowing them to get their way without allowing American citizens to gain something in the bargain. He definitely works to put America and Americans first. A far cry from the last president, the recent Democratic presidential hopefuls, and the DC Dem political swap monsters. And, while he is working for us, he is also putting in place the tools to allow Americans to get back to work.

So, I will most assuredly be voting for President Donald J. Trump in 2020. He is a good president, a good American, and a good guy. He may not wear a white hat like President Ronald Reagan, but he sure has become a hero to a lot of us here in America. He is making America great again and allowing Americans to feel great again. Thank you, Mr. President!!!

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