Monday, July 02, 2018

Descending into emotional infantilism; walking on eggshells; signing the Declaration of Independence

Why take the trouble to #WalkAway, when it's much easier to #DescendIntoEmotionalInfantilismAndBecomeADemocrat? The best opening monologue ever!

The only way for the press to reform itself is by hiring Trump supporters in their newsrooms.

Michael Knowles: The men who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 were actually signing their death warrants.

The Declaration had two parts: grievances against the King, and philosophy. Not much was said about its philosopy until Lincoln in 1860 in the Gettysburg Address.

The Left wants us to walk on egg shells. Be afraid to open our mouths. They politicize ordinary language in order to get the advantage on their opponent, but they ultimately shortchange themselves.

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