Friday, April 01, 2022

Did you know?

JJ Sefton writes,
Everything you eat, wear, consume or otherwise come in contact with is either made in whole or in part by some form of carbon compound that is found in oil, coal, or natural gas. Until the free market, via innovation, discovery via experimentation or sheer dumb luck discovers alternate materials and processes that give us everything we need to sustain and improve our lives at a lower cost than that of fossil fuels, then forcing us to do otherwise by decree is tantamount to mass murder, sooner or later. Not just because of hurling us back a few hundred years in terms of quality and length of life, but opening the floodgates for global tyrants who won't go green to subjugate those of us who won't freeze and starve to death first. Or won't be shot into a mass grave for protesting.
Read more here:

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