Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Putting the "total" in the "totalitarian state"

The New Neo writes,
When I saw this news story about a Biden administration proposal for the feds to monitor “all business and personal accounts from financial institutions, including bank, loan, and investment accounts,” it struck me – and certainly not for the first time – that the internet has enabled a degree of governmental control heretofore only dreamed about.
Orwell envisioned telescreens constantly monitoring the public. But in his dystopia, the telescreens had to be manned by humans. That would be labor-intensive, to say the least. But now things like that can be automated, and computers can do a comprehensive job through AI. Any tyranny that manages to put such practices into law would be able to keep a much tighter grip on the public in terms of surveillance. It can put the “total” into “totalitarian state.”
Read more here:

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