Friday, August 27, 2021

"White rage?" How about a "rainbow of rage?"

Kurt Schlichter writes,
Maybe General Milley did get something right. A soldier of recognized bravery earlier in his career, and (according to one soldier who served under him) a good battalion commander as a light colonel, he has demonstrated the Peter Principle in spades. He is the worst Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in history, a disaster in every way, but he has accomplished one thing besides adding to America’s “L” column. He has united the country. Remember his ridiculous screed about “white rage?” Well, today – because of his failure – he has managed to unite Americans of all colors and shades in their rage at a failed military establishment whose lack of seriousness and gross incompetence has not only humiliated our country but gotten our troops killed. He has created a rainbow of rage.
Read more here:

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