Wednesday, October 09, 2019

“Thou shalt not mess with another swamp creature’s side-hustle.”

Adam Mill writes in American Greatness,
Corruption in modern D.C. is shaped like a triangle. A person or entity seeking a favor doesn’t hand the money directly to the politician or public official. Instead, the money goes to a trusted family relation under a vague “consulting” or “speaking” arrangement. This golden triangle of corruption appears over and over again in the Russia collusion hoax.

...So if you believe that the golden triangle of corruption is essential to the Washington power-for-sale business model, you scream bloody murder when you see one of these hustles threatened with exposure. It only works if everyone honors the gentleman’s agreement to look the other way. That’s why permanent Washington calls President Trump “dangerous” and a “threat.” And that’s the real reason for the Ukraine scandal. Donald Trump “abused his power” by drawing attention to the Biden golden triangle. That’s a violation of the unwritten 28th Amendment. For that, he must be impeached or the whole pay-for-play system could come crashing down.
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