Tuesday, October 08, 2019

The latest from Scott Adams

Hurrah for South Park! They are now banned in China. Scott Adams predicts this will be the most-watched episode of South Park ever (in China). Scott says, "in order for China to survive, they have to cut off their population from information!" North Korea? Same thing!

Scott had advised his viewers to wait a few days before opining on Trump's decision to pull our troops out of Syria. A few days have gone by, and it now looks different than when he first announced the decision. How many troops are we talking about? Fifty!

Secondly, Trump said on Twitter (so Turkey's dictator would read it) that if they harmed the Kurds he would "obliterate their economy!" He has done it before when he wanted Turkey to give up the Christian pastor they were imprisoning.

Matt Gaetz asks three good questions. Are we, the country of no-fault divorce, supposed to stay married to the Kurds forever? Then he asks, weren't the ISIS people we defeated in the Kurds own back yard? Third question from Gaetz: Now we are supposed to entangle ourselves in the Kurds' 400 plus year conflict with the Turks? Scott predicts that Matt will one day be a presidential candidate and his opponent will be AOC! Scott surely does love to make predictions! By the way, did you know that AOC is talking about abolishing prisons?

Scott talks about the latest effort by Elizabeth Warren to portray herself as a victim. She is getting a reputation as a phony. Trump, on the other hand, is nothing if not authentic. Do the Dems really want to run a phony against an authentic?

Scott laughs about a new book by Joel Stein which alleges several completely wrong things about Scott. Scott says there were about 25 factual errors written by Stein about Scott.

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