Sunday, March 10, 2019

Tim Pool confronting Twitter executives

Did you know that 75% of Twitter users live outside the United States? Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde, head of public policy, answer questions from Tim Pool and Joe Rogan in this YouTube video from March 5. Okay, so Twitter is global. Tim Pool tells them that his concern is the American Republic, where freedom of speech is the First Amendment of our Constitution! Iran, China, Russia, and others are trying to meddle in our elections and they are effective in using Twitter's platform to accomplish their goals. Tim to Dorsey and Gadde: "You have different rules than America has (hate speech that does not explicitly call for violence is protected by the First Amendment). If you refuse to allow Americans free speech you have become too powerful in America and you need to be regulated!"

I was impressed by Tim Pool's questions and confrontations with Dorsey and Gadde. Add one more subscriber to Tim!

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