Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Media turns on Facebook and Google

Charles Hugh Smith writes at Of Two Minds,
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Liberal Scorned: The Media Turns on Facebook and Google

Big Media so desperately wanted a partner in its faux-liberal virtue-signaling that it overlooked the abundant evidence that Facebook and Google are only interested in reaping billions of dollars in ever greater concentrations of wealth and power. These are corporations, after all, and just like the corporations that own Big Media, maximizing profits is their sole raison d'etre, self-congratulatory preening claims of public service wonderfulness aside.

Here's the ugly truth: Facebook and Google are profit-maximizing quasi-monopolies who will do anything to protect their monopolies. Just like all the other monopolies that had to be busted up to protect the public from their predatory power.

Read more here.

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