Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Clinton tactics

James G.Wiles writes at American Thinker,
During the first Clinton presidency, Clinton allies chose jail over cooperating with the federal grand jury investigating both Clintons.

We may get to see if a new generation of Clinton allies are willing to do the same.

The liberal media's reporting that the Hillarygate email server investigation has not, in fact, been "reopened" is totally false.


Because, not only is the probe reopened, it has been upgraded and expanded. It has been upgraded from a preliminary inquiry to a formal criminal investigation with grand jury power. That also means that, at least at the level of the federal grand jury itself, assistant U.S. attorneys assigned to that grand jury are now for the first time formally involved.

...This weekend's development also means that, for the first time in American history, a candidate for President of the United States is likely now a subject/target of a federal grand jury investigation.

These facts now enable us to analyze and dispel Team Clinton's attempts to lay down a thick fog of misdirection over the scene.

Here it is: Mrs. Clinton's demand that the FBI be "transparent" is pure posturing -- spinning to the max (which Mrs. Clinton, as the most criminally investigated presidential candidate in U.S. history, well knows). Younger readers, please take note: this is not, to put it mildly, Hillary Clinton's first rodeo.

Not for the first time, Mrs. Clinton is being totally disingenuous with the voters (and the media). She is also making FBI director Comey into her personal punching bag. And she's doing it because she knows that the director can't fight back.

In this, Mrs. Clinton is simply repeating a tactic which she and her catspaw Sidney Blumenthal used to good effect during the Whitewater, Travelgate, and Monica Lewinsky investigations in the 1990s. And that tactic worked.

It’s called grand jury secrecy. Now that Hillarygate is, for the first time, a grand jury investigation, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e) prohibits the FBI and prosecutors from saying anything about "matters occurring before the grand jury." Their lips are sealed.

If Hillary really wants "transparency," let her release the FBI's warrant application for permission to search Huma Abedin and Mr. Weiner's emails for evidence relating to whether Hillary's use of a private server violated federal law. Huma's lawyers likely have it. If not, they can certainly get it.

Huma, of course, is also free to release the emails too.

That's why Hillary's demand for "transparency" by the FBI is moonshine. She damn well knows the feds can't do it.
Read more here.

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