Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Muslim Immigration and Multicultural Madness

Stuart Schneiderman reports,
Thanks to Wikileaks we now have in our possession an extraordinary document. It was not written by anyone in the Clinton campaign, but was sent to her campaign manager, Jon Podesta. The author was a Dutch journalist/academic named Orca. Presumably Podesta commissioned it.

The report outlines the consequences of Angela Merkel’s madness. It does not mention that Hillary Clinton admires Merkel above all other foreign leaders. One does not understand how she could support such a policy when her campaign chairman has read a report like the one exposed by Wikileaks. At the least, she will never be able to plead ignorance.

Orca offers a no-holds-bar picture of what Muslim immigration is doing to Europe, in particular to Germany. And it shows how multiculturalists are aiding and abetting the destruction of the European continent, and thus to the destruction of one of the great examples of Western civilization. It is an object lesson to those dimwits who believe, based on no evidence at all, that it will be easy to integrate a massive number of Muslim immigrants.

Orca begins:

"Muslim Immigration and Multicultural Madness have left a trail of misery and mayhem across Germany - with far worse to come because of demographics"...
Read many more details of this madness here.

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