Monday, October 31, 2016

CNN fires cheater; nobody asks Clinton why she had not reported the cheater

Donna Brazile has been fired by CNN.
WASHINGTON — CNN said Monday it’s “completely uncomfortable” with new leaked emails that Donna Brazile fed debate questions to Hillary Clinton and announced it has accepted her resignation as contributor.

Fresh WikiLeaks emails show that Brazile — previously accused of leaking to Team Clinton for a CNN town hall — also gave the Democratic nominee a heads-up before her Democratic primary face-off with Sanders.

...WikiLeaks earlier revealed a separate email in which Brazile told Team Clinton that the former secretary of state would get a question about the death penalty before a March 13 town hall on CNN.
Read more here.

Update: Joel Pollak reports at Breitbart,
Trump challenged journalists in the room to ask Hillary Clinton why she had not reported Brazile after being provided with the debate questions.

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