One of the speakers at the recently concluded Western Conservative Summit in Denver was Dennis Prager. He talked about the Left. Of course you know that the Left has completely taken over our universities. There is less freedom of speech in our universities than any other place in America. The Left ruins economies wherever they gain a foothold. The Left is interested in equality, not prosperity, except, of course, for those in power. Venezuela is a recent example.
The Left has almost a monopoly on hysteria. Redskins? 90% of American Indians couldn't care less about the name Redskins, according to a poll taken by the Washington Post. AIDS will kill heterosexuals? Wrong. Gay men and intravenous drug users and their partners are those in American who are at risk of AIDS. One in four women are raped at America's colleges? Wrong! Left and lie are almost synonymous. Fracking? The only thing that has kept this economy alive! One of the cleanest and cheapest ways of getting energy!
The left debases whatever culture it becomes dominant in. Europe? Graffiti everywhere! They don't clean it up! In America they call graffiti "urban art." Have you noticed the increase in public cursing? Public urination? New York City Council has decriminalized it!
The Left has a political party now. It is the Democrat party. It was once liberal. It is now Left! There is a totalitarian nature to the Left. They even want to control what you think! Because there is so little racism in America, the Left has had to invent something new, called microaggression. Martin Luther King was concerned about character; he wanted to be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character!
Conservatives don't fight hard enough. We get our kicks out of family, religion, friends, love, hobbies; the Left gets their kicks out of having power and control.
SIX HIRB is Dennis Prager's acronym for the debate-ending names conservatives are called by liberals. If you disagree with the Left, you are one or all of the following -- Sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted.
The Left is undoing the American Revolution. Liberty, e pluribus unum (out of many, one), in God we trust? America's trinity. The Left prefers material equality to liberty. It prefers multiculturalism to e pluribus unum. It prefers a secular society to a society based on God. The only liberty the Left is for is sexual and abortion.
The Left also hates the notion of excellence. Whatever is good for America is bad for the Democrats. Single women with children? Good for Democrats. Married women? Not so much.
Prager concludes by talking about evil. He hates it! The Left doesn't hate evil. It hates conservatives. It hates carbon emissions. It hates anti-communists more than it hates communists. They hate inequality. But they have never hated evil. They can't even utter the word Islamic terrorism!
Prager's main point? The most important thing is to defeat evil!
Y-Not at Ace of Spades provides us with a video of Prager's speech, which begins at the 18 minute mark in this video.
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