Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Win in court, win in public!

Dennis Prager has a plan. Tyler O'Neill tells us in PJ Media,
YouTube has continued to censor PragerU videos by restricting access to them. Children and others who use "restricted mode" are unable to view the conservative educational videos, and on Friday a California court will hear arguments in a state-level case against Google. On Thursday, PragerU will drive a box truck with LED screens, playing the restricted videos throughout Silicon Valley — and directly in front of YouTube and other Big Tech offices.

"We rented a box truck with LED video screens on the side and we’re going to be playing all the PragerU videos that YouTube has restricted," Craig Strazzeri, chief marketing officer for PragerU, told PJ Media on Tuesday. The group intends to "drive by all the Big Tech headquarters — Google, Twitter, Facebook."
Read more here.

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