Monday, October 07, 2019

Turkey, the Kurds, ISIS, impeachment, and much more from Scott Adams

Scott talks about a lot today. I was most interested in what he would say about Trump's desire to pull out of Syria. The concern is that Turkey will go kill all the Kurds in the "safe zone." Scott doesn't believe it. He notes that U.S. troops will be embedded with the Turkish troops. Turkey knows that we will move decisively against them if they attack the Kurds. Trump is really good at making tough decisions. We can't stay there forever. The other thing that can't go on is leaving!

Part of the agreement is that we will turn over a large number of ISIS prisoners to Turkey. Scott believes Turkey will eventually kill them all. These ISIS people wanted to torture, kill, rape and enslave the people of Turkey. Killing them would not be genocide.

The media says the Pentagon was blindsided. It is up to the civilian president to make the decision. We do not have a government that can be trusted! Scott said Trump had two terrible decisions and he made one.

Impeachment? The Democrats have painted themselves in a corner. Byron York reports in the Washington Examiner that the impeachment hearings will be private! If you are backing the team that wants to impeach the president based on secret testimony, you're not on the right team!

Michael Moore is urging Michelle Obama to get in the race! He says Warren can't win. Scott still thinks that would leave Harris as the candidate. After the lousy way she has campaigned, Scott still believes her problems are fixable and she could end up winning the Democrat nomination. Like the Republicans were, the Democratic party is split. Trump pulled the party mostly together by not starting wars, appointing constitutional judges, cutting taxes, etc.

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