Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Biden is in big trouble

Frank Friday is a lawyer who often has to advise public officials on state and federal ethics laws. He writes in American Thinker that Joe Biden clearly violated the Hobbs Act, the federal anti-extortion law.
But as an American lawyer, who often has to advise public officials on state and federal ethics laws, I can say yes, just by the public record we already have, Joe Biden, his son, their bag-man Devon Archer, and possibly John Kerry likely violated 18 USC 1951, the dreaded Hobbs Act, the federal anti-extortion law. Hobbs has a really nasty bite to it for public officials, because it prohibits not just bribery, but merely the collecting of political tribute under color of official right.

A couple of important things to remember about Hobbs: "Color of official right" applies only to public officials while they are in office. This guy, for example, is very confused, mixing up Jeb Bush's sleazy fundraising while out of office with Hillary's activities in and out of office. It would apply to Hillary, for example, only during the time she was secretary of state. Also, the illegal payoff money can go to a close relative or associate, or even a charity, if there is enough of a connection to the accused, like the Clinton Foundation scam. Anybody assisting the public official in the pay-offs would also be guilty of conspiracy, at the very least.

...But just from what the Bidens have already put on the public record, we know they broke American laws, starting with the Hobbs Act, punishable by fines and imprisonment up to 20 years.
Read more here.

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