Saturday, March 18, 2017

Why funding for NEA, National Endowment for Arts, should cease to be in the federal budget.

At Heritage, Laurence Jarvik gives ten reasons why funding for NEA, National Endowment for Arts, should cease to be in the federal budget.
1. The Arts Will Have More Than Enough Support without the NEA

2. The NEA Is Welfare for Cultural Elitists

3. The NEA Discourages Charitable Gifts to the Arts

4. The NEA Lowers the Quality of American Art

5. The NEA Will Continue to Fund Pornography

6. The NEA Promotes Politically Correct Art

7. The NEA Wastes Resources

8. The NEA Is Beyond Reform

9. Abolishing the NEA Will Prove to the American Public that Congress Is Willing to Eliminate Wasteful Spending

10. Funding the NEA Disturbs the U.S. Tradition of Limited Government

Jarvik goes into great detail backing up each of these ten reasons here.

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