Alberto Nisman (photo credit: AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
Have you read about the "apparent suicide" of Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman? Nisman is the man who
has spent a decade heading a 30-strong team investigating the worst terror attack ever committed in Argentina; who has identified the Iranian leaders who ordered it and had them placed on Interpol watch lists; who has traced and named the Hezbollah terrorists who carried out the bombing; who has exposed Iran’s still-active terror networks in South America; and who was about to detail the alleged efforts of Argentinian President Cristina Fernández and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman to whitewash Iran’s role. Would that this man would choose to take his own life just a few hours before giving his testimony to a Congressional hearing?Read more here.
Does anyone doubt that a government capable of whitewashing Iran is capable of producing a dead prosecutor in a locked apartment?
Thanks to Donald Douglas
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