Thursday, December 06, 2012

Slowing down Christmas

Does the Gospel of Christ come wrapped up in twinkling lights and satin bows? Ann Voskamp thinks not.

The Gospel of Christ, it’s a messy, bloody thing and this is how God was born, bloody and bruised, and that’s how God chose to die, bloody and beaten. And our God, He knows the comings and goings of our blackest bloody battles, and this is exactly where He meets us.

At the beginning of December Ann sets out a bowl of seeds. Why? "Because Power plays and big takeovers and loud commercials.

That’s the way the world turns and Wall Street rolls.

But God, when He comes, He shows up in this fetal ball.

Just this seed unfurling, impossible power contained in the small."

Let her explain:

How to Slow & Make Your Heart into Straw for the Manger

1. Fill containers with dirt. Label each container with each child/person’s name.

2. Fill a bowl with grass seeds/wheat seeds.

3. All Advent, look for ways to do small acts of kindness: a hot cup of coffee, a sticky note on a mirror, a helping hand of surprise. Small things — be the gift!

4. And for every small act, plant one seed. (There’ll be messy days. There’ll be grace. Anything done as a gift for Jesus is an act of worship — it all matters! Plant your seeds.)

5. Water throughout Advent. Water slow.

6. On Christmas Eve, gather the sprouts of grass. Lay the grass in the manger for the Christ Child. Young or old, we can all make our lives into a gift for the Christ-Gift.

The way to see Christ is in Christmas is to slow down — and see & be & do the small.

Read more here:

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