Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Here is a late post from Ace of spades about today's voting:
The supreme irony is that Rubio and his enablers, who want a contested convention, are actually going to end any chance of a contested convention by playing spoiler to Cruz and electing Trump on the first ballot.

You can't have a contested convention when you're running as Trump's bodyguard.

Rubio is at 1.5% in Mississippi. He loses more often than not to Kasich for fourth place. I'm not saying there's justice in it, but those are the facts: Rubio is less relevant to the race than Kasich is, and Kasich is himself irrelevant.

It's time for people to decide if they seriously wish that Trump should be defeated, or if they're just playing a game to become his Surprise VP pick.

Or, as Rubio would say: "The map really gets good for us from here on out."

Question: Can Republicans get over their personal drama with Ted Cruz to put country first? -- David French, via Twitter
Answer: Probably not. It's a combination of dislike for him on superficial grounds, plus the idea that if he likes Jesus he must be some kind of super-duper wacko social con (he's not; can we escape this religious bigotry even in the GOP?), and this bizarre Pepsi Generation Cult of Personality built around the flimsy persona of Mario Romo.

Idaho and Hawaii coming up.
Read more here.

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