Thursday, January 17, 2013

Times have changed in Mississippi

One of my colleagues at work grew up in rural Mississippi across the highway from a state prison. The prison was self-supporting. The prisoners raised crops under the watch of armed officers on horseback. The prisoners knew if they tried to escape, they would be shot, so they didn't try to escape.

My friend was an only child until the age of twelve. Prisoners (trustees) often came by and played with her. Her mama served them fresh cookies. She loved growing up there.

Everything changed when a federal judge ruled that Mississippi could not force prisoners to work. Up went the barbed wire. Up went the costs to the taxpayers.

I have spoken several times to my friend to ask her about growing up in Mississippi in the days before the civil rights movement. I am currently reading a book entitled Injustice by one of the PJ Media columnists, J. Christian Adams. Adams worked in the civil rights division of the U.S. Department of Justice. In the book he tells about the racialist policies that have permeated that division since the Clinton years. Rather than pursuing race neutral policies, the radical lawyers in the civil rights division have looked the other way when discrimination against whites has occurred. Those radical lawyers are now running the show in Eric Holder's Justice Department, according to Adams.

Adams cites a man named Ike Brown, who sought, with collusion from the Justice Department radical lawyers, to exclude whites from voting and holding office in Noxubee County, Mississippi.

When a colleague of Adams decided to investigate and subsequently pursue a federal lawsuit against Brown and the local Democratic Party, Brown, a twice-convicted felon, and the Democratic Party were convicted of violating the voting rights of whites.

Read more here:

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