Wednesday, August 08, 2018

What is the solution to the bans, suspensions, and shadowbans?

John Hinderaker writes at PowerLine, ...Instead of the freedom of the internet in those early years, we have companies like Facebook, Google, Apple and Twitter, unfettered by the First Amendment, largely responsible for deciding who is heard by a large audience, and who isn’t. It isn’t coincidental that all of those companies are run and staffed mostly by leftists. The bans, suspensions, and shadow bans that we see today are merely a warm-up for the assault on conservatives that we will see as the 2018 midterms heat up and, above all, when President Trump runs for re-election in 2020. That is when Big Media will really have its thumb on the scale.

What, then, is the solution? I don’t know. But there is plenty of demand for conservative perspectives on the news. There is a reason why Fox News is the number one rated cable news network, why conservatives dominate talk radio, and why conservative websites attract a lot of traffic. Conservatism long predates Facebook and Twitter, and frankly, the right did better online in 2004 than we are doing today. One way or another, I think conservatives need to be preparing for a post-social media world.
Read more here.

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