Friday, August 10, 2018

One for the ages!

On Facebook, Candace Owens writes,
The story of me and Charlie will be one for the ages. People told Charlie he couldn’t start a college-campus organization without a college degree—but he did.
People told me that I couldn’t start a career on Youtube—but I did.
Then came the people that told us we weren’t allowed to blend culture with politics— that meeting with Kanye West in the same week that we met with President Trump was against some imaginary rule—but we did.
This journey is anything but easy. There is very little sleep involved and the predictable fallout that it can lend to personal lives.
But we understand that there is no substitute for hard work.

We’ve learned that success tampers with loyalty. We’ve been disappointed by those we’ve fought for and have watched some of our idols act as our rivals, but we’ve risen above it each and every time and have never retaliated—because how one deals with an act of betrayal can be a test from God.

There are so many moments I could tell you about: from our lost luggages, crappy hotel rooms, and 3am phone calls from Walmart looking for something to wear on tv—to our apprehensive silences over almond milk lattes as we read the lines of vicious hit-pieces, meant to destroy every single thing that we’ve worked toward.
Suffice to say that nothing can prepare you for a journey like this but there are the people that can anchor you through every rocky moment.

My hope is that the story of me and Charlie Kirk will be about smashing limitations. Of loyalty, of trust, and of believing that you might be able to imprint the world if you are fearless enough to take risks.
What we are putting out is a frequency. A frequency that attracts other risk-takers; a frequency of spirit, heart, truth, and determination.
We are blessed to be on this journey, and are so grateful for the warrior-spirits of those who have and continue to support us, against all odds.

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