Thursday, August 09, 2018

How old are you...emotionally?

Ace of Spades, thankfully, does not usually conform to the latest mores. He writes,
The rule used to be, "If you lose your shit, you've lost the game."

Now it's the exact opposite: "If you lose your shit and throw a tantrum, you win. Always. Because obviously the person who takes offense and flies into rage over nothing must have moral superiority over people who are calm and rational."

...It's not merely that we are no longer valorizing -- promoting; holding up as an ideal to aspire to -- the age-old and well-proven ethic of emotional restraint and mastery of self.

We're now actively valorizing, promoting, and inculcating the exact opposite -- emotional promiscuity and performative hysteria.

To be young, physically, is a gift. To be young emotionally -- especially in your silver or silvering years -- is ridiculous and sad.
Read more here.

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