Friday, November 03, 2017

Laura Ingraham's interview with President Trump

Trump: "Companies create jobs!" Make it easier for companies to create jobs, and the economy becomes more robust. Duh!

"The lottery immigration system is going to end and end fast! I think we're going to get even some Democrat support on this."

18 billion dollars for the wall. "It will be a tremendous tool to help facilitate the ending of the drugs coming in."

Trump administration has gotten 70 bills through Congress. Huge economic revival. Stock market records day after day. Cutting regulations to a great extent. GDP over 3%, even after four or five horrible hurricanes. Companies are starting to come back into our country.

I've been a Laura listener for years, and I know how critical she has always been about China. Trump, however, reminds her that China is helping with North Korea. Banking system, oil, supplies have been cut. "I've become very close to President Xi of China and Prime Minister Abe of Japan."

Trump is "amazed at how dishonest the news is." Family? "Melania is powering through it. Ivanka has been treated very unfairly."

"The most important thing we are going to be doing is tax cuts! You're going to see this economy take off like a rocket ship!"

I found this video over at The Conservative Treehouse, which is one of the most valuable blogs on the right, and it has a huge following of people who comment after reading blog posts. I read the comments there, which were so negative toward Laura I almost decided not to watch! I am glad I did, though. I did not see one thing she did that was in any way inappropriate. What is wrong with people on the right?

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