Sunday, January 10, 2016

Slick Willie and trailer parks

Mark Steyn writes,
since Trump decided to "go there", both Clintons are now getting asked on the campaign trail about Bill's record as a serial abuser. After all the confident swagger that Trump was the candidate she wanted to run against, the Clinton campaign has now decided that Hillary has made a "New Year resolution" not to talk about him unless and until he gets the nomination. Via CNN, Slick Willie on the stump:

Asked about Trump's attacks on Thursday, the 42nd president passed up an opportunity to hit back.

"I have no interest in getting involved in (Republican Party) politics or doing anything except working to help Hillary," Clinton told reporters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

"Donald Trump says a lot of things," he added.

Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who has accused Clinton of raping her decades ago while he was the attorney general of Arkansas, tweeted Wednesday: "I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now never goes away."

I think that right there is more coverage than CNN gave Juanita Broaddrick back in the Nineties. If this keeps up, look for Bill to be quietly retired from the campaign trail. As to the Cosby/Clinton comparison, Democrat (and 2008 Hillary supporter) Kirsten Powers has, like me and Trump, gone there:

Much has changed since Bill and Hillary Clinton were swept into the White House amidst sordid tales about the Arkansas governor's extra-marital sex life.

Back then, a senior campaign aide (Betsey Wright) on a Democratic campaign could utter the phrase "bimbo eruptions" to demean women claiming to have had an affair with Bill Clinton. Today, such utterances would be rightly deemed unequivocally sexist.

It was a time when a top Democratic loyalist (James Carville) unabashedly sneered at Paula Jones' allegations of unwanted sexual advances by then-Gov. Clinton with the infamous quip, "If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." Most famously, there was a young intern named Monica Lewinsky smeared by a senior White House aide (Sidney Blumenthal) as a "stalker." Blumenthal reportedly also told journalists that the 49-year-old president of the United States had been "the victim of a predatory and unstable sexually demanding young woman," age 22. The president went on to become one of the most respected men in the world. Lewinsky's life was destroyed.

That's true. It was. But nothing personal, that's just the way it is when you get in the way of the Clintons. Hillary is betting that the Nineties rules still apply - that the media will cover for her, and the surrogates will trash any "predatory and unstable sexually demanding" "trailer-park" "bimbo" foolish enough to stick her head above the parapet, and that barked questions captured on cellphone video at ever more heavily screened events won't break through to the general public. Kirsten Powers isn't so sure:

Whatever Trump's failings, he understands cultural shifts. We are a society that has a blessedly lower tolerance for sexual assault and harassment than in prior years. This is good news for America, but bad news for the Clintons. History has caught up with them at the worst possible moment.

Here is Michelle Malkin blasting Carville:

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