Sunday, October 06, 2013

The dark, perilous land of individual responsibility and liberty

Matt Walsh has tongue-in-cheek when he warns,

Civilization is bound together by the strong, steady hand of bureaucracy. If you loosen its grasp, you risk plunging us all into a dark, perilous land of individual responsibility and liberty.

Obamacare is just so wonderful. It could have only come from the mind of a brilliant man like President Obama. Think about it: We had a problem in this nation because so many people couldn’t afford health insurance. So what’s Obama’s plan? Simply charge those folks money for not having enough money! Brilliant! Oh, but his master strategy doesn’t stop there. It used to be expensive to buy insurance on the individual-market — now it will be TWICE as expensive for men, and only almost twice as expensive for women!

Do you see how this works?

Problem: Insurance is expensive.

Solution: Make it more expensive, and then tax people for not buying it.

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