Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Machines, or waterfalls?

Emily Freeman quotes this passage from a book entitled Real Church by Dr. Larry Crabb:

“Life is art. And art demands creativity; it cannot tolerate formulas. Building a good marriage is art. Handling relational conflict is art. Trusting God with your sexual addiction or depression or fear of disapproval is art. God doesn’t provide recipes to cook up a delicious life because He can’t. Machines aren’t beautiful; waterfalls are. We’re not machines. We’re more like waterfalls, waterfalls who are persons.”

I'm glad we're not machines, aren't you?

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Interesting post. However if you're a naturalist/atheist, you don't have any other options except to be just a machine and nothing more. If there is no God, there is no soul, no mind, just an illusion which is reducible to mere chemical reactions and physical laws. In the absence of soul and mind there is no free will, there is only the illusion of free will but all "actions" and "decisions" are determined by the bio-chemical reactions caused by physical laws in our surroundings. And there is no real beauty, because beauty is reduced to just a chain reaction of cells in the brain, responding to firing nerve endings in your eye.

But none of us have to live in that hopeless prison. We have a friend, a witness, who came to testify that there is a soul and mind and beauty and God, and he looks on us with mercy and love. He suffered and lived among us, and suffers with us even now.