Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Answer: It's not his money!

Miri asks,

No business would ever hire a “nonessential employee.” That’s a no-brainer. Would you hire a nonessential employee and pay him with your own money?

Our government apparently hires and pays hundreds of thousands of nonessential employees. This, we’ve learned from the government shutdown. How much do you miss them? Enough to keep your descendants in debt for generations?

What’s a nonessential government employee, anyway? If the job is nonessential, then it should be cut, as Obama promised to do when, during his first campaign over 5 years ago, he promised to go through the budget “line by line” and cut waste.

Can our debt-ridden government afford even one nonessential employee?

Every job, every department, every program should be essential, or else it should not exist.

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