Sunday, October 04, 2020

Some quotes and tweets tonight

Caroline Glick wrote,
“if you want to understand who the Democrats are and what they are doing, all you need to do is look at what they are accusing Trump and his colleagues of being and of doing.”
Ryan Fournier tweeted,
Trump left Walter Reed to do a drive by parade for supporters gathered outside. That’s MY President!
Michelle Malkin tweeted,
Because he is a LEADER who loves the people, you hysterical loser. Don't you LOVE how the brilliant @realdonaldtrump drive-by wave to MAGA supporters triggered the ninnies?
Alex Clark tweeted,
BREAKING NEWS: Doctors are recommending President Trump remain in White House for 4 more years so they can keep a close eye on him.
James Wood tweeted,
I simply cannot believe that #JoeBiden is running for President of the United States and is a complete ghost. Where is this guy? What the hell is a “lid”? Why are you in your basement, Joe? Will somebody please lay out a trail of hundred dollar bills so this guy will get going?!

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