Saturday, October 24, 2020

What enables upward mobility?

Charles Blain, Wendell Cox, Joel Kotkin, and Alicia Kurimska have written a fantastic article on how we can all achieve upward mobility.
The pandemic has lessened the fading appeal of urban cores, creating what Zillow describes as “a great reshuffling” to suburbs, smaller metros, and less expensive states. As a recent American Enterprise Institute survey shows, people now are heading to previously less favored metros, like Charlotte, Phoenix and Las Vegas. For the first time in over a decade, populations are beginning to rise in even the smallest metro areas. The pandemic has greatly undermined the constituency for urban living; according to AEI the percentage of Americans saying they want to live in cities has dropped to 13% in in just two years, down more than half from the 29% reported by Gallup in 2018
Read more here.

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