Sunday, October 04, 2020

"Get your facts straight," Chris Wallace!

Robert Stacy McCain writes in Spectator,
...In essence, Wallace used his position as moderator to amplify the Biden campaign’s “racial justice” talking points, not only in regard to the riots but also concerning Trump’s executive order banning Critical Race Theory (CRT) from federal workplace training programs. Wallace dishonestly described this as innocuous “racial sensitivity training,” when in fact CRT is a radical ideology “rooted in Marxism,” as Eleanor Krasne of the Heritage Foundation has said. Wallace then permitted Biden to blabber on about “racial sensitivity,” as if Biden, who opposed school desegregation and praised Klansman Robert Byrd, were uniquely qualified to promote such sensitivity, or as if somehow a sensitivity deficit explains why America’s cities have been going up in flames since May.
This is a dangerous lie. Jacob Blake was not shot because Kenosha police lack “racial sensitivity”; he was shot resisting arrest while armed with a knife. The Black Lives Matter movement is built on a foundation of lies, demonizing police and fomenting a paranoid view of “systemic racism” as the all-purpose explanation for everything wrong in the black community. What is more dangerous to America than the dishonesty of the media in promoting BLM’s toxic rhetoric?
Chris Wallace could have used his role as debate moderator to be part of the solution to this problem. Instead, his undisguised hatred of Trump inspired Wallace to become part of the problem. What is even the point of having Fox News as a “fair and balanced” alternative to the liberal media if one of their most eminent journalists cannot meet even basic requirements of truthfulness? The damage Wallace did to Trump may perhaps prove temporary, but the damage done to America by media bias is cumulative and permanent.
Read more here.

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