Thursday, March 05, 2020

Mitt Romney's foreign policy adviser sat on the Burisma board of directors with natural gas expert Hunter Biden!

Headline in a story by Ace of Spades: Mitt Romney: The Investigation Into Hunter Biden "Appears Political" and Therefore Must Not Be Undertaken by the Senate. And No, I'm Not Going to Explain Why I Supported the Obviously Political Investigation Into Trump in the Senate.

Maybe there is another reason why Mitt does not want that investigation. See the paragraph below.

Burisma faced a money-laundering investigation and questions over how it had obtained some of its licenses to drill for natural gas. In spring 2014, the company appointed Hunter Biden and a former Polish president, Aleksander Kwasniewski, to its board. Three years later, Burisma added Cofer Black, a former CIA official and foreign policy adviser to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, to the board.
Read more here.

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