Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Antifa Safe Harbor

Ace brings us news about Facebook:
FaceBook Issues New Rule Against Threatening Violence or Encouraging Violence, Unless the Violence Is Directed Towards Someone FaceBook or the Media Has Declared to be "Hateful," In Which Case, Full Steam Ahead
—Ace of Spades
And now the sinister purpose of the multiyear dehumanization campaign against all non-leftists becomes clear.

Muh Private Monopoly which encourages actual physical violence against enemies of the left, and has federally-granted immunity to lawsuit for doing so.

...Call this the Antifa Safe Harbor. Gotta make sure Antifa and its allies are free to call for violence against their "targets," as FaceBook calls them, accurately.

Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg brags that he decided to bar pro-life groups from advertising in Ireland just before the vote to keep or repeal Ireland's anti-abortion law.

Go figure, the pro-life groups barred from advertising lost.
Go here to read the Facebook policy Ace is talking about.

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