Friday, May 17, 2019

Public banned from seeing case file in Douglas County school shooting

In Summit News, Paul Joseph Watson reports,
The case of two anti-Trump leftists, one of whom is transgender, who shot up a school in Denver last week has been placed under seal by a judge, banning the public from seeing it.

Devon Erickson, 18, and Alec McKinney, 16, opened fire on two classrooms at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) charter school in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, on May 7, killing one student and injuring eight others.

16-year-old Alec McKinney identifies as male but is biologically female, having been born Maya Elizabeth McKinney.

Following the shooting, it emerged that his accomplice Erickson had posted anti-Christian and anti-Trump messages on social media while praising former President Barack Obama.

It is now being reported that details of the case will remain secret to the public after it was sealed by a judge.

...“Douglas County District Judge Theresa Slade has put the charges along with the entire case file under seal, banning the public from seeing it,” reports Reuters.

The student who was shot dead, 18-year-old Kendrick Castillo, bravely rushed towards the two shooters in an attempt to prevent further loss of life. He was remembered as a “compassionate, bright young man” during a memorial service on Wednesday.
Read more here.

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