Friday, May 17, 2019

Hard to believe

Remember during the 2016 presidential election season when all the polls predicted a landslide election victory? Well, here are the latest polls for 2020, according to Allahpundit at Hot Air.
It’s the second poll in three days to show Trump trailing Biden by 11 points, which is mega-landslide territory by the standards of presidential elections. But there are two differences between Wednesday’s poll and today’s. Wednesday’s was a poll of Pennsylvania. Today’s is a poll of the entire country. And Wednesday’s poll came from Quinnipiac. Today’s comes from … Fox News.

Have we had any presidential tweets yet accusing Fox of being “fake news”? If anything’s going to do it, this will.

It’s actually not the head-to-head number with Biden that’s most ominous for Trump here.

Biden also performs best in hypothetical 2020 matchups. Among all registered voters, he leads Trump by 11 points (49-38 percent), up from a 7-point advantage in March. Biden’s is the only lead outside the margin of sampling error in the matchups tested — and he is the only Democrat to push Trump’s support below 41 percent.

Sanders tops Trump by 5 points (46-41 percent) and Warren is up by two (43-41 percent), while Harris ties Trump (41-41 percent) and Buttigieg trails him by one (40-41 percent).

...Fox notes that at this point in the 2012 cycle Obama was also trailing a generic Republican nominee — but by a far smaller margin, 44/49. O had to erase a five-point deficit; Trump has to erase a 16-point one.
Read more here.

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