Monday, December 19, 2016

Leftist DNA

Bookworm writes,
Anyone who has raised children knows that one of the hardest skills to teach them is how to be a good loser. ...Indeed, one of the hallmarks of a child’s growing maturity is the ability to handle loss gracefully in a competitive environment.

...the ne plus ultra of all Progressive tantrums, of course, is the massive meltdown we’ve witnessed since the election. These are people without any control over their emotions or their behaviors — just like babies and toddlers.

Bookworm lists many examples of Progressives' childish immaturity, then concludes,
I have paying work to do now, so I’ll wrap this up. I just hope I’ve made my point, which is that immaturity is woven into the warp and woof of Leftist DNA. Campuses have distilled it to its quintessence with all the stupidity about safe spaces, microaggressions, speech policing, etc., but it’s actually part of the Leftist DNA. They’re all like that: petty little people who can’t lose, throw temper tantrums when they can’t get their way, are confused about their sexuality, won’t take responsibility for their actions, and don’t believe anything exists that they haven’t seen or caused.
Read more here.

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