al fin next level writes,
The United States of America is tentatively stepping back from an interminable gray future of Obamaesque stagnation and decline, courtesy of a national populist uprising at the voting polls. The corrupt ideological system of government-media-academia threatening to drown the US in a fecal flood of identity politics, apocalyptic climate cultism, corrupt green energy decay, fake and partisan mainstream news, and a defeatist malaise across all parts of society except the crony-elite — that system was chastised soundly in an election quake felt around the world.Read more here.
...nations such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, etc. are doomed. They have chosen an almost total dependency on natural resource income, rather than to develop their human resources — which would be the only enduring source of wealth they could depend upon.
...The governments of the Obamas, Bushes, Clintons, and the rest of the inbred system attempt to use the tools of government to achieve their own particular ends. But even if we assume good intentions on their part, they are doomed to fail — because government does not create prosperity. Government can only — at its best — create an environment where “rule of law” prevails and a stable monetary system, protection from violence and fraud, and a few other limited and specific services are provided.
The United States of Stagnant Corruption has grown far beyond any reasonable size and scope of powers. The government is strangling innovation and opportunity, while promoting corrupt rent-seeking and widespread dependency on the state for subsistence. That path of ruin has been recognised since well before the days of President Reagan, but most of America’s elites have been too busy scooping up the spoils of corruption to concern themselves with the ultimate end of such behaviours.
...Peter Thiel — “the anti-George Soros” — has called for “all hands on deck” in a full-scale implementation of a Trumpian revolution of opportunity and slashing back on government overreach of all kinds. Whether such a thing is still possible in the age of elitist control of media, academia, foundations, and bureaucracies of both public and private nature, is yet to be determined.
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