Friday, December 12, 2014

Using "enhanced" tactics on terrorists

Scott Ott remembers 9-11, and has this to say about the "enhanced" tactics used on those who wanted to or did attack us:
Out of a clear blue sky, stock brokers and janitors rained.

Contorted bodies approached terminal velocity in wind-whipped business suits.

Forced to decide between the slow agony of fire and the sudden — O, God I hope it’s sudden –slam against cement, they laid out upon the atmosphere, wishing for the whisper of angel wings to whisk them ever upward.



Now, put yourself in the shoes of the CIA director, or of the interrogator in the field.

If you thought you had even a small chance of stopping another attack, what “enhanced” tactics would you not try?

What moral code would impede you from your utmost exertion to quench the flame…to catch the falling man?

Damn them in hindsight, if you will.

I cannot.

In their best efforts, I hear the whisper of angel wings.
Read more here.

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