Sunday, August 11, 2013

Liberal Privilege

Jeffrey Lord writes a powerful piece about Liberal Privilege. Liberal Privilege, and its disconnect from the American people, is what brought on the fire sale of the Washington Post last week.

Let’s define that Liberal Privilege.

In four words?

“We make the rules.”

Is Rush Limbaugh in trouble?

Is the Tea Party extremist?

Was Ronald Reagan dumb, the Soviet Union eternal, did Bush lie, are conservatives racists? Is Sarah Palin stupid, Hillary Clinton brilliant, global warming a scientific fact, and abortion overwhelmingly popular?

The answers? Yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, it’s obvious, absolutely, and everybody knows it without question.

Why? Because liberals say so, that’s why.

Using Liberal Privilege liberals make the rules, establish the common assumptions, send them forth into American society through the liberal media, liberal academia, liberal Hollywood, liberal religion, and other liberal venues.

Liberal Privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks.”

When understood in this fashion, understanding the “invisible weightless knapsack” concept, the essence of everything from the liberal media to academia, mainline Protestant churches, the bureaucracies of Washington, DC, the NAACP, La Raza, the AFL-CIO, and so much more comes into 20/20 focus. Everyone involved, social, cultural, and political liberals one and all, has the requisite “maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks” of Liberal Privilege.

The real reason for Watergate and the furious zeal of the Post to bring down President Nixon derives not from Watergate but rather it comes directly from young Congressman Nixon’s successful pursuit of Alger Hiss. It was, in fact, the young Nixon who pulled back the veil shielding the world of Liberal Privilege by revealing that Hiss, the Harvard Law grad and scion of Liberal Privilege, was in fact a Communist spy. Nixon was hated for it — forever.

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