Monday, August 19, 2013

He let them die abandoned

Sarah Hoyt writes about Benghazi, Fast and furious, and the impending collapse of our country.

Yesterday we got someone presuming us ignorant and telling us “Benghazi is not a thing” with which words he hoped to redirect us… away from the murder of an ambassador while troops were ready to scramble. Away from the fact that we haven’t even attempted to punish the culprits and from the fact that our then secretary of state and the President spent money on a video apologizing for an obscure you tube video they claimed had caused the incident. (These are people so blinkered they think apologies bring anything but more violence in the world stage. So blinkered they think that it’s fair to apologize for our freedom of speech to barbarians who kill their own children in ‘honor killings.’ SO ignorant of history they think it is logical or civilized to say “the future must not belong to the enemies of Islam” Replace Islam with Christianity or for that matter Scientology and you’ll see how silly that sounds. Who are you to pick the future religion of humanity Mr. President? The leaders of Rome thought they could do that too. When is the last time you made a sacrifice at the temple of Jove?) He also enlightened us by telling us that you know, both Progressive and Tea Party groups had been targeted – even though the very people pursuing the history of the IRS abuses have been scouring the lists for ONE, just ONE progressive group whose application was delayed, and while the Tea Party applications are in fact still mired in paper work – including being asked what their prayers are, if their members pray, and for other completely insane stuff along the same lines.

AND THEN he presumed to enlighten us about his sources of information. Two I expected. It’s what snot nosed kids (and cases of arrested development) think is authoritative before they realize what a great deal of bunk they were fed in high school and PARTICULARLY college: the New York Times (Home of Walter Duranty, apologist for Stalin’s worst excesses) and the BBC (coming from a country that is falling apart at the seams under rampant political correctness.) But the third was a new one – do the young and stupid really consider Al Jazeera in English a reliable news source. In Heaven’s name WHY? These people belong to a religion and an ideology (the ideology supports the idea that their religion should own the world) that is at war with us. They’ve not only declared war against us, they have attacked one of our cities – two if you count the Boston Marathon – and our interests abroad. Not counting myriad foiled and not “small” attacks at home. What kind of mental twist makes you consider enemy propaganda a news source?

Did their grandparents listen to Tokyo Rose? Or to the German equivalent whose name escapes me now. Oh, wait a lot of them probably did. The ability of the intelligentsia to embrace those who want to kill them is absolutely baffling. I can never decide whether it comes from from absolute arrogance and certainty that nothing can touch them and therefore why can’t they be gracious and throw the “exploited” – as defined by them, of course – a bone? Or whether it comes from such abject fear they’ll throw their compatriots to the wolf in the hopes of being eaten last.

Faced with an administration that is doing all those things they claim to be against: spying on citizens; killing citizens without a trial; using the IRS to discriminate against their political enemies; laundering money to enrich their friends, and killing people who tan an interesting color in different countries for no good reason (I’m talking about Mexico, but maybe they’re not interesting enough for these idiots?) – the willing koolaid drinkers will buy the first excuse to come down the pike or no excuse at all.

Wide Receiver followed the guns, retrieved them, made arrests AND IT WAS DONE WITH THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT’S COOPERATION. Fast and Furious just sent a lot of UNTRACED guns south of the border because… either the administration is composed of brain damaged children OR because our “well spoken” president had said that most of the guns that were used in the Mexican drug war came from our “open” policy [in an attempt to bolster his unconscionable attempt to disarm our citizens.]

HOW can they ignore Benghazi? The excuse proffered has been proven so wrong even Obama admits it. So how can they ignore it and keep on going.

We live in a republic, a form of government depending on the consent of the governed – and yet our government decides that some citizens in peril abroad should be abandoned.

He let them die abandoned, the COWARD. Either because a failed rescue might hurt his precious re-election chances, or because he was actually using the Bathsheba option and Stevens was someone he wanted out of the way. I hope – and pray, regularly – the last isn’t true. I’d hate to think that of even he Stuttering Excuse of a Miserable Failure. But the coverup is so intensive, so organized one can’t help asking “What else is hidden there?”

The media – or as I like to call them, the palace eunuchs – cover up scandals with bigger scandals and push the scandal to the back by the sheer enormity of the next scandal. Or they ignore the scandal, even when it’s obvious, and it’s as if it never happened. It shouldn’t work but it does, because people want to forget and just live daily life.

In a way the President is being allowed a lot of leeway because EVEN I don’t want to believe his crimes are as heinous as they very well might be. It destroys all my sense of security in the world.

And the other excuse is implied in my comment – the Puppet Masters in Heinlein’s novel, captured the brains of infected enemies. They controlled how people processed what they saw.

And the media has been captured. Oh, not by a brain parasite. We should be so lucky. The media has been captured by the alien ideology of Marxism which distorts everything they do and say. (While Marx was useless and bug f*ck nuts, he at least lived in a time when EVERY ONE of his pretty theories hadn’t been proven wrong and there weren’t millions of rotting corpses disproving them. But ah – the theory is so pretty. And so infantile even those who are not very smart but think they are can grasp it.

We will collapse – it’s the logical result of their having removed themselves from reality. But when that happens we must make sure the collapse is as short and painless as possible. We must be ready to rebuild.

In the end we win they lose – it’s the result of having reality on our side. But reality will spank us both, if we’re not ready.

Be not afraid – and work on your plan B.

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